Membership Release

Grow a community of loyal customers around your brand

Learn how to get the best of your premium membership
Product Features
Social Circles

Create social circles for brands’ customers to share their reviews and gather insight

Power Perks

Enable your customers to redeem perks after paying a minimum amount

Post-purchase Promotion

Give your customers a choice to share your product through social media platforms for further promotion

Incentivisation Engine Hot

Automate incentives when customers of your brand get to certain purchase goals or payment goals


Define Plans and Execute Better Projects

Define your membership product type, campaigns, and projects within the hub according to your strategy and goals.


Enhance your Capabilities by Project and Product Type

Select and customize your membership product details and features to optimize the execution of projects, experiments, and product releases.


Gather useful Data-Driven Insights

Collect and analyze data regarding your membership products to drive informed decision-making for effective marketing, customer engagement, and product release performance.


Not only do sudden product drops generate more social media buzz, they also help brands to form an engaged community. “Customers need to be aware of launch dates and times, they need to be part of an exclusive crowd that is well informed ahead of the launch,'' notes Roncha. “It’s like a cult gang. Young consumers want to feel like they’re part of a group or movement. It’s a means of expression,”

Alison Levy Bringé, Chief Marketing Officer, Launchmetrics


72 percent of Generation Z and bridge millennial consumers who participated in product drops felt greater affinity for the brand with which they shopped.

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